Do not push the red button Please, don`t push it.

Friday, February 23, 2007

hello.. long time no post.


this is a LONG post in a LONG time so it deserves some LONG reading.

the online AOR joke session is here!

WhAt iS DoRaMoN's colour?

Is A or C taller?

Why didnt the new ship have a tv?

POst your answers on the tagboard=)


When a cow laughs, does milk come out it's nose?

What do they use to ship Styrofoam?

Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?

Why do people say "tuna fish?" They don't say "beef mammal" or "chicken bird!"

If corn oil comes from corn, and soyabean oil comes from soya beans, where does baby oil come from?

Why is abbreviation such a long word?

Amusing facts about sports and it’s ALL TRUE

Before soccer referees started using whistles in 1878, they used to rely on waving a handkerchief.

A baseball will go farther in hot temperature than in cold temperature.

Tug of War was an Olympic event between 1900 and 1920.

Basketball player Shaquille O'Neal's shoe size is 22. (wow! giant bigger foot!)

Three consecutive strikes in bowling is called a turkey.

Have a nice day. hope this entertained you and brightened up your day. =)

Monday, February 19, 2007

Letters to the AOR editor


anyone, anything, just write about it in a letter(no need to follow format)to the AOR editor! Yes! I know you are desperate to pick up a pen/ pencil and start writing!

Please address your letters to AORof212, moomoostreet 2408, PO box no. 212112

Thank you=)!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Chinese new year celebration today. It was nice.

Happy chinese new year to all the AOR members and fans out there!

Have a great year ahead and collect loads of hongbaos! =)

hello. no one is posting. so i might as well say hi.

LONG LIVE AOR! comradeship.newspaper.jokes.tickling.reinforcements

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

the aor times were pinned up today! there was a mystery article too. haha

tomorrow is the day that some people have been waiting for. The prize giving for correct jokes! i think not many people will get the grand prize of ............ a plastic bag of mini marshmallows!

tetapi saya tidak suka hari esok. kerana ada ujian melayu.. =(

Monday, February 12, 2007

this is a silly post.

i dont know why i am doing this...


the jokes were a success today! so many people participated and 'fought' to put their paper in the AOR joke and suggestion box. special thanks to yuzhen and jiamin and all the others who were sporting participants.

next time, we will have the joke section printed out and pinned on the board by monday. on wednesday, we will announce the results and the answers and GIVE OUT PRIZES! yay!

on tuesday, which is also tomorrow, the AOR will print out and paste up the main articles. remember to take a look!

Would you like to see any other articles written in the AOR newspaper?
Tag it right now!
Any suggestion by anybody will be taken if it has potential.
Just a little potential will do. We will do the rest.

Thank you and have a nice day.
Selamat tinggal.
Jumpa lagi

Newspaper article

New member? Or not?

Doreen aka yoyo aka teo ying has expressed deep regret in insulting the AOR. She has apologised unreservedly for being mean to AOR and all its members. "I am really sorry... I did not know your kind intentions. And....someone told me to be mean to you. I deeply regret it. Please forgive me." Witnesses of Doreen pouring everything out include: Vice-pres 1, Vice-pres 2, Secretary and other people who are not in AOR.
"I was touched by it. It was gan ren." said a witness who did not wish to have her name divulged as she was afraid that anti-AOR members would lynch her.
Coming back to the topic, the purpose of this newspaper article, was actually to think of whether or not to allow Doreen into the AOR.
"Doreen has expressed great wish to join AOR. We can see the great potential in her to bring AOR to soar greater heights. Just as it was seen in Sarah. If she joins, she will however have to start from the bottom, as toilet cleaner, to prove to everyone that she has the capability and ability to do something great." said the AOR's president.
However, some of the AOR fans were not so forgiving. "She has insulted us again and again. Are we just going to let her go like that? And let her join AOR too?! No! We shall never allow that!"
This problem seems to be quite hard to solve. It is not just the problem of letting Doreen join now. It is about discrimination, and justice. So, will AOR succumb to the pressure from fans or will they accept Doreen and lose strong support. Whatever it is, it will be hard to come to a decision.
On behalf of all the supporters of AOR and Doreen, i wish you luck in solving this problem

Reported by Fishy, your favourite reporter


Yoyo aka Doreen aka Teo Ying needs 16 people to help with toilet duties. 2 people per toilet, 8 toilets in total. Anyone who sees this and is able to help please tag or anything. Just inform Doreen or any AOR member.

Please help! Doreen is a good girl. And we are a nice bonded class. yay!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

going for msp.

goodbye boo have some ham.

or some squirels would be nice too

Saturday, February 10, 2007


We need a meeting. To choose the new blogskin. So we need a time to meet. One of the breaks or after school. Please tag or edit this post to say when you are free or busy. Or do we really need a meeting? We can just ask yj to choose one for us. PLEASE TAG AND REPLY!
*this only applies to AOR members*

New plans for AOR: Do Return of the cow movie
Make blog nicer
Do weekly newspaper
Do joke page
Get people to participate in the answering of jokes

Anything else? You can edit this post

the joke page has been done already.

Yay. Thank you. Thanks for the nice pineapple tarts and love letters. My grandma makes nice food. yummy. I have just eaten a nice soft pineapple tart.

Just researched on soap. Oh and uhh... president. i think the hard soap is the plastic. haha. so amusing. but...i'm not sure. oh and i asked NLB.

For president and those in my group for soap making: these are some websites that the NLB person gave me. Hope you find it useful.

I am going to my grandma's house for reunion dinner soon. not the one that made the pineapple tarts. the other one. pretty early for reunion dinner.

sheesh.... i have to iron the clothes. dun feel like. gotta go iron soon. k anyway... according to a certain person i went to then i look for blogskin. but i dunno how to put. please teach me. im going to iron clothes now. bye


(unproud and ashamed) vice-pres 1


hello. three people here. but i am still very bored. because this people here are quite boring. no i am not boring... ok...thats quite lame. everyone knows you are. they are complaining that they are not boring. but i think right now they are. i am bored. they are bored. they are boring. i am boring them out. they are boring me out. what should we do now? aiyayiyaoh. lol...thats the lyrics from a weird song on the radio station right now. science project failed. for conclusion we shall type: aiyayiyaoh(ignore that) failed. 'i am so bored' spoken by a bored person who has a bored mind and is currently bored and constantly being bored by me. two AOR members here. rubbish then funny mah. ok fine dun talk rubbish lor.

sorry but other than rubbish there is nothing to talk about.

Ok...just to amuse you. we will tell you about the process of making our soap.

First of all...a certain person from a certain class with a certain index number from a certain school came late. Reason? "Blah ahslfkj asodjcv" she came late. Two AOR members then had lunch. Chicken rice. Same as on saturday. Chilli: spicier. Chicken: Less bony. You should know what part of the chicken has meat that has no bone. i am bored. Ok...then the certain person came. We decided to punish her for awhile. and we made her stand outside with the stuffy lift. We are mean. but i like it. then she came in with her sunflower oil. i expected her to forget it. but she did'nt. ok good. then we cooked the oil in the microwave. according to the president's recipe. the president is a certain person from 2/12'07. she is a person. It failed. we tried again and it failed. ok anw....just to amuse you. we needed to add the water and lye together. so we measured the water first. then we needed to pour it into a bowl. so... a certain person took a bowl out from the sink. unwashed. with soap and oil and previous lye or sodium hydroxide and dunno how much bacteria from three certain people's skin cells and perhaps plus momo's hair. and we poured the lye and water in. yay!! -.- boring facts. we failed. two people had itchy hands. we wasted a claypot. sorry!! cannot cook maggie mee liao. and we saw soup. soup: oily diluted lye. which is oil + water + lye

Time to go home. i mean....not for me. for two certain people. a certain person should have brought her violin so that i could play with it. She is so mean. She doesn't trust me. Sobs. jk. But someone here is meaner. hor.... you mean person.

Okok....i'm going to drink water now. Bye... and say bye to two other people too.


trying out new blogskins.

still blog illetarate... have absoulutely no idea what to do ... someone help?


this is the vice pres 2. you can call me lucu.

the AOR jokes are hot from the press. i hope people will answer and drop the paper in the napolitian ice cream box. but i dont think many ppl will do so. our class sometimes doesnt like jokes and they just go -.-lll

not nice.

think positive! the AOR times have been a success and will be a success! Yay!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Hello...dam sian at home. my dog is barking. i am eating tic tac sweet. my doggy is being scolded by my mum. my sister is reading newspaper, my brother is sleeping. i am typing. the sweet is gone. eaten up. i am very bored. i think our artist should quickly change the template and background all. the current background is rather ugly. i am very bored . actually...its not ugly. but its not nice and very boring. lets have a name to call everybody. its very weird to say "artist" but am i allowed to mention your name? but i don't want anybody to mention my name. just don't want to be known to other people who i don't know. this is very boring. i am very bored. the computer is boring. the blog is boring. the brain is bored. the hands are bored. the heart is bored. i am going to church soon. yay. i want to go cca. yay. let cca come quickly. yay. haha. this is all in monotone. i am really very bored if you can't tell. my dog has stopped barking.

No. 6 rule: do not scold anyone on the tagboard or the blog. (considering there are currently only TWO people talking here and there it doesnt make much of a difference) Later you get sued for defamation by dunno-who. AOR doesnt have enough money for a lawsuit. =)


hey people there. im typing to those who know who and what all this is. uhh... yea just to inform all the AOR members. Our new newspaper, the first of this year is coming out soon. If you would like to put anything into the newspaper, for example, about something happening in school, please tell any vice-pres. And they will send to you the current one so you can just add what you want.

Btw... some rules
1)Don't mention the names. ( can mention your own name but keep me out. i prefer to remain unknown.)
2)You must ask for permission before you edit. So... you can add, but you cannot edit. I mean the post. Or maybe you want can just edit. Actually anything lah. But more rules look nicer. haha. lame.
3)Remember the login and password. dunno can ask any other AOR members on handphone or msn.
4)Do not be racist! Uhh...just extra. Cos must be careful on blog.
5)Follow all the rules

Okay...thats all i guess. Oh ya...for my this post, anyone can edit it.


Hello there. Just to inform you. i put the same dog at the right. because if its as a post then when we have more posts it will dissapear. OK. thats all i guess.

adopt your own virtual pet!

hello hello

welcome to the one and only famous AOR blog. Okay maybe not that famous and not that nice but.... it will be improved on!

AOR is the best Association ever and you should know it.

lets entertain the few people tuning in now, if there are anybodies listening.

What is DORAMON'S colour?

AOR forever!!! =) (this is not the answer)

First post

HELLO!!! This is officially the first posting on the new AOR blog. haha. proud to be from AOR. No lah... not proud. I'm not proud. lol. i think i am self amusing myself. but very lame lah.

Anyways....this blog was created after all our common test 1 except perhaphs for third lang exams which some AOR comrades may still have.

Ok. Enough talking. Handing it over to vice-pres now.

AOR Logo

AOR Logo
Done by our artist